Week 2 FYP 2

After did research about all components, next step is build schematic circuit. The schematic circuit is design by using PROTUES. This is a software use to build virtual circuit, during this time the circuit change due time. By using this software we can know the outcome and detecting the problems occur because build the physical circuit.
            After build the circuit, next step is writing the coding for the system of product. To use the Arduino we need write the coding, this time I am using Arduino software. Arduino have its own software to write coding. There is another software can be use such Kiel Uvision, this software can be used to write a program and later on save it in hex file to attach to Protues to be able ‘run’ the circuit in the Protues software.

·         To build circuit and perform troubleshooting if error occur.
·         To write a coding-program for the product system.

In this week, it is important to do simulation of circuit before start build the circuit. This is to avoid build un-functional circuit. By doing simulation can reduce the cost of circuit making to avoid build it again. Not only that to build a circuit need times by do simulation can detect the problem before build the circuit.
