Week 1 FYP 2

This is the 1st week of my Final Year Project 2 begin. In this week, all progression being revise back. To start the project, the very 1st task to do is listing all components related to project. During this time, research about the components. This is to found out the use of components. This is a list of components of my project:

  • ·         Peltier 12706
  • ·         Arduino UNO
  • ·         LCD Display 14x2
  • ·         Fans-small size
  • ·         LM 35(Temperature sensor)
  • ·         IR sensor(as Motion sensor)
  • ·         Relay
  • ·         12Ah Lithium Battery

·         To understand each components of it use and limitation

By understanding the components much easier to test and assemble on the product.
